Access Arrangements for Students Retaking Exams or Moving From GCSE to A level Study: June 2024 to June 2025: Patoss
Date(s)26 Jun 2024 - 26 Jun 2025
Delivery typeDistance
Course levelIntermediate
Course summary
This course, presented by Lia Castiglione, provides comprehensive information on the procedures and paperwork required for learners who are retaking examinations and those who are moving from GCSE to A level study.
CPD credit hours1 hour and 30 minutes
Course themesSpLD testing methods, interpretation, report writing, feedback and test materials
AudienceAssessors, Support
SASC CodeSASC-20240422-108
In this course, Lia covers the processes and evidence requirements for two important groups of learners: those who require access arrangements in resit exams and those who are moving onto a new level of study (GCSE to A level) and who continue to require access arrangements.
Course Description
Lia will discuss four different scenarios: leaners remaining in the same centre for whom access arrangements’ permission has expired before their final exams; learners who move to a new centre for resit exams; learners remaining in the centre who move from GCSE to A level study; and learners moving to a new centre for a new level of study.
For each scenario, the processes and evidence required to comply with JCQ regulations will be discussed both when the Form 8 and the Form 9 routes are followed.
The course will provide:
- Detailed information on the JCQ regulations and procedures for resits and exams at a new level.
- A discussion of the processes when a candidate moves to a new centre from the perspective of both the former and new centres.
- Guidance on the necessary paperwork and procedures to comply with the regulations.
- Case study examples to illustrate the processes for different types of learners.
- Resources to help ensure compliance with the JCQ regulations.
Learning outcomes
Delegates will be able to submit questions during the webinar which will be answered during the question and answer session at the end of the webinar.
Course prerequisites
Delegates should have some knowledge of the JCQ access arrangements regulations.
Suitable for all those involved in access arrangements, including access arrangements coordinators, SENCos and access arrangements assessors.