Access Arrangements Update (AAU) - 06 May 2024 to 05 May 2025 Dyslexia Action Training/ Real Training
Date(s)06 May 2024 - 05 May 2025
ProviderDyslexia Action Training/ Real Training
Delivery typeDistance
Course levelIntermediate
Course summary
This short course aims to provide the information and updates required for Examination Access Arrangement processes and assessment requirements in the current academic year. The course supplements practitioners existing training and experience in carrying out assessments and supporting students with dyslexia and SpLDs.
CPD credit hours3 hours
Course themesReviewing principles of psychometrics, statistics, assessment and underlying theory, SpLD testing methods, interpretation, report writing, feedback and test materials
AudienceAssessors, Support, Assessment centres, Training institutions
SASC CodeSASC-20240520-141
This short course provides update training on gathering, presenting and submitting evidence for exam access arrangements annually. Changes that have been made to the existing JCQ requirements will be highlighted and details clarified. Instruction will be given on implementation of changes required for the current Form 8.
Further details at:
Meets requirements for C1 & C2
Learning outcomes
- Understand the current requirements for Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments.
- Gather, present and submit appropriate evidence for Form 8.
- Identify changes to the current Access Arrangements.
- Describe relevant reminders and clarifications for Access Arrangements.
- Understand the steps required to complete a Form 8 for JCQ.
- Provide appropriate evaluation and feedback.
Course prerequisites
Participants must be qualified at level 7 to complete Examination Access Arrangements according to JCQ regulations.
Frequently asked questions
The presenters for this course are experienced and senior professionals in the field, specialist teachers and assessors. Presenters have extensive experience of Examination Access Arrangements in school and college settings.
This course aims to update participant's knowledge using the latest guidance from JCQ and to improve professional practice in submitting Form 8 for Access Arrangements. The online course forums allow participants to raise questions and receive answers from tutors and other course participants thus extending the community of good practice. Participants will have access to a library of useful guides and resources to support their professional practice.
The course is divided into 6 topics and participants will need to study them all and carry out associated tasks in order to complete the course successfully.