Annual Dyslexia Guild Online Conference 2 July 2025
Date(s)02 Jul 2025 - 02 Jul 2025
ProviderDyslexia Action Training/ Real Training
Delivery typeDistance
Course levelIntermediate
Course summary
You’ll have the chance to listen to our four key-note speakers, who will inform you about issues relating to the role of morphological processing in literacy, understanding and supporting dyslexia and ADHD, assessing language in adults, and a session on gathering qualitative information for assessments and placements! You will also have the opportunity to attend some add-on session - a talk from a behavioural optometrist, the Dyslexia Action Shop 30th anniversary and new products for 2025, and more about funded apprenticeships!
Why not benefit from taking time out of your daily schedule to learn and reflect on cutting-edge practice.
Find out more: Dyslexia Guild Annual Conference 2025
CPD credit hours2 hours and 30 minutes
Course themesReviewing principles of psychometrics, statistics, assessment and underlying theory, SpLD testing methods, interpretation, report writing, feedback and test materials
AudienceAssessors, Support, Assessment centres, Training institutions
SASC CodeSASC-20250214-1394
Delegate Rates - held at 2024 prices!
£96 Guild Member Rate
(£80.00 + £16.00 VAT)
£138 Non-Guild Member Rate
(£115.00 + £23 VAT)
Conference Programme
‘Assessing Language in Adults’
Jose Javier Aguado Orea - describes the development of an adult measure aimed at screening people that might have missed a developmental language disorder diagnosis during childhood. He also reports very recent data on a novel implicit learning linked to this measure. He is hopeful that this task will inform us about how children learn language early on and believes this could be sensitive to language-related difficulties later on in life, including dyslexia.
'Understanding and Supporting Dyslexia and ADHD.'
Colin Foley - Current research would suggest that 50% of people with ADHD will have a specific learning difference like Dyslexia. Yet comorbid neurodiverse conditions are often missed. This presentation will explore why this is and how ADHD interacts with Dyslexia.
Colin is the training director of the ADHD Foundation, the largest ADHD charity in Europe. Following a twenty-five-year teaching career, including ten years in school leadership, Colin has led the Training team at the ADHD Foundation to become the largest provider of training for professionals on ADHD in the UK, working with over 13,000 professionals from a range of sectors in the last year.
The will outline the challenges for individuals and will offer practical strategies for professionals and parents/ carers to support both conditions in combination, particularly in educational and workplace settings.
'The Role of Morphological Processing in Literacy'
Professor Helen Breadmore - Helen Breadmore is a Professor of Literacy and Psychology in Education and her research focuses on understanding the processes and skills that underpin successful reading and writing. Her most recent work explores the time course of cognitive processes used during reading and writing (particularly morphological processes).
'Gathering Qualitative Information for Assessments and Placements'
Louise Van der Valk - is an experienced Specialist Teacher and Assessor. This presentation on qualitative data shows us that it is an important component when drawing together assessment results. Background information gathered through questionnaires and interviews is an important consideration when forming conclusions. Additionally, for many younger learners, examining performance in a qualitative way can help formulate targeted interventions. This observational data can also provide information about strengths as well as challenges. After the presentation, Louise and Anna Smith will be available to answer your questions about assessment practice.
‘Visual Difficulties unravelled by a Behavioural Optometrist’!
Adil Kaloogi - 20% of the population experience Visual Processing issues, but with Dyslexia, the figures can be as high as 67%*. I will explain how to detect signs and symptoms and give an insight into the treatment options available.
Adil has a keen interest in Specific Learning Disorders (SpLDs), particularly Dyslexia. He runs his very own specialised clinics called ‘Eye Expert’ at various locations around the UK which specialise in assessing visual processing: visual memory, tracking skills, eye-hand coordination, visual-spatial awareness, binocular vision, visual integration, visual reaction and more.
Learning outcomes
You will add to your knowledge thus updating your continuing professional development activities in order to maintain professional practice standards.
Course prerequisites