Carrying out an assessment with post-16 learners with complex needs - 09 Oct 2024 to 08 Oct 2025: BDA
Date(s)09 Oct 2024 - 08 Oct 2025
ProviderBritish Dyslexia Association (BDA)
Delivery typeDistance
Course levelAdvanced
Course summary
This online course will cover a range of neurodiverse needs and explore how an individual is impacted by those needs. Assessors will have the opportunity to work through two case studies to investigate how aspects of background information, quantitative and qualitative information are synthesised to form a diagnostic outcome.
CPD credit hours2 hours and 30 minutes
Course themesReviewing principles of psychometrics, statistics, assessment and underlying theory, SpLD testing methods, interpretation, report writing, feedback and test materials
AudienceAssessors, Support, Assessment centres, Training institutions
SASC CodeSASC-20241008-1231
This online course will cover a range neurodiverse needs and explore how an individual is impacted by those needs. Assessors will have the opportunity to work through two case studies to investigate how aspects of background information, quantitative and qualitative information are synthesised to form a diagnostic outcome. It will also look at the recommendations made in the case studies and why they are chosen to suit the profile. The course will also provide an overview of the tests that benefit and challenge learners with complex needs.
Learning outcomes
- An overview of Neurodiversity and complex needs
- A look at Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Autism, Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia and how these affect learners post 16
- Overlapping strengths and difficulties between these neurodiverse conditions • Considerations/adjustments needed when assessing individuals with complex needs
- Case studies – how a diagnosis was reached and appropriate recommendations Evaluation of own learning
Course prerequisites
- AMBDA and or APC
Frequently asked questions
Yes, you must be an experienced assessor with a L7 qualification or equivalent.