Renewing Your Assessment Practising Certificate: Online Course - 03 Jul 2024 to 03 Jul 2025: Patoss

Renewing Your Assessment Practising Certificate: Online Course - 03 Jul 2024 to 03 Jul 2025: Patoss



The Department for Education has changed its evidence requirements for applications for disabled student allowances. From February 2019, for a student at any age, a diagnostic assessment that meets SASC guidelines produced by a specialist teacher assessor with a current APC at the time of assessment, or a suitably qualified psychologist, will be accepted as evidence for the Disabled Student Allowance. With the advent of the removal of the age limit on the student's age at the time of diagnostic assessment, reports produced by holders of an APC will have a longer lifespan. The course will consider in detail the SASC Guidelines for best practice in diagnostic assessment and report writing (January 2020).

A diagnostic assessment report, more than ever, is an important and valuable document enabling the individual at its heart to understand their strengths and weaknesses and go forward to achieve their goals. Accessibility of the report is key for the specialist and non-specialist alike whilst ensuring the report is rigorous enough to stand up to potential legal challenge. This is no easy task and this CPD event will provide invaluable support for professionals conducting diagnostic assessments

Learning outcomes

  • review the new SASC Guidelines for best practice and the criteria and accompanying marking system by which reports submitted for APC renewal are reviewed.
  • have the opportunity to refresh their understanding of the psychometric principles essential for all those who write assessment reports at this level.
  • review in detail the importance of background information and its role in the assessment
  • evaluate the core assessment areas of all full diagnostic assessment reports
  • review the recommendations section
  • consider how the assessment findings, including the background information, can be mapped to a recognised definition of dyslexia and inform the ‘diagnostic decision
  • participants will develop an awareness of the essential elements of a full diagnostic assessment and how best to ensure their reports meet the standard required by SASC for the renewal of an APC.

Course prerequisites

It will be assumed that delegates are qualified to conduct full diagnostic assessments and are familiar with key underlying principles and assessment procedures and common tests.