Using the Intelligence and Development Scales (IDS-2) for SpLD Assessments and Reports - 17 Sep 2024 to 17 Sep 2025: Patoss
Date(s)17 Sep 2024 - 17 Sep 2025
Delivery typeDistance
Course levelIntermediate
Course summary
An exploration of the use of the versatile, engaging, UK-normed Intelligence and Development Scales – 2nd Edition (IDS-2) in face-to-face diagnostic assessments of specific learning difficulties in those aged 5-21 years. Presented by Sarah Sainty
CPD credit hours1 hour
Course themesReviewing principles of psychometrics, statistics, assessment and underlying theory, SpLD testing methods, interpretation, report writing, feedback and test materials
AudienceAssessors, Support
SASC CodeSASC-20240815-179
This course is an opportunity to understand the structure and scope of the IDS-2 and how it can be used in a flexible way by specialist assessors working to SASC guidelines. Designed to create full developmental profiles of young people, it can be used to identify strengths and challenges in key areas of cognition and attainment, as well as giving additional diagnostic information.
The session will focus will be on the practical use of the IDS-2 when assessing individuals who may have specific learning difficulties. This will be in the context of the new Delphi definition of dyslexia and current SASC guidelines for assessing and reporting. The structure of the IDS-2 will be described, with consideration given to the elements that are relevant to assessing the areas of cognition and attainment that are typically characteristic of those with dyslexia. Information about other subtests that might be useful when there are indications of co-occurring difficulties will also be given. One of the great strengths of the IDS-2 is the way it can be used flexibly to adapt to the needs of the individual being assessed. This is particularly relevant at a time when there is widespread recognition that the challenges of those with dyslexia frequently extend beyond literacy.
Learning outcomes
Within the scope of the session, delegates will consider in detail:
The three main domains of the IDS-2: intelligence, executive functions and general development.
The subtests that are relevant for assessing the different areas of cognition and attainment specified within the SASC report format.
Other subtests that may be used to investigate co-occurring difficulties, suitable for inclusion in the additional diagnostic information section of the report.
The extent to which the IDS-2 covers the abilities that are relevant in an SpLD assessment.
Use of the online scoring platform.
Delegates will understand the structure and content of the IDS-2, and its areas of strength in relation to diagnostic assessments and reports.
Course prerequisites
Familiarity with SASC guidelines for assessment of specific learning difficulties and report writing.