What makes an effective assessment for adults - 09 Oct 2024 to 08 Oct 2025: BDA
Date(s)09 Oct 2024 - 08 Oct 2025
ProviderBritish Dyslexia Association (BDA)
Delivery typeDistance
Course levelAdvanced
Course summary
This online course outlines the main points regarding the new report format,including key principles and tips for how to complete a report effectively. Assessors will have the opportunity to explore additional relevant background information suitable for adult reports, the types of test that should be carried out and suitable recommendations for adults. The information will include a brief introduction to Workplace Needs Assessments.
CPD credit hours2 hours and 30 minutes
Course themesReviewing principles of psychometrics, statistics, assessment and underlying theory, SpLD testing methods, interpretation, report writing, feedback and test materials
AudienceAssessors, Support, Assessment centres, Training institutions
SASC CodeSASC-20241008-1236
This online course will outline the main points regarding the new report format, including key principles and tips for how to complete a report effectively. Assessors will have the opportunity to explore additional relevant background information suitable for adult reports, the types of test that should be carried out and suitable recommendations for adults. The course will also provide an overview of which particular tests are suitable for those over the age of 16, as well as how to report qualitative information for those over the ceiling age of tests. The information will include a brief introduction to Workplace Needs Assessments.
Learning outcomes
- Guiding principles of the new report format
- Background evidence that may be particularly appropriate for adult reports and areas that must be assessed when writing a report suitable for an adult
- Choice of suitable tests and adjustments for individuals over the age of 25
- How to report qualitative test information
- An overview of Workplace Needs Assessments and making appropriate recommendations for adults
- Evaluation of own learning
Course prerequisites
- Must hold an APC/AMBDA or have completed a L7 assessors course
Frequently asked questions
Yes this is aimed at CPD for qualified assessors.