SASC Responds to SEND Green Paper
22 July 2022
SASC has submitted its response to the government SEND Green Paper: Right Support, Right Place, Right Time. A copy of the SASC response can be downloaded at the end of this page.
SASC invited all interested individuals and organisations to respond to a consultation paper via an online survey in April 2022. The consultation provided an opportunity to reflect on practice, discuss the issues and ideas covered in the consultation paper and to explore what potential changes to working and assessment practices might be beneficial and why. Consultation responses have been carefully analysed and subsequent amendments made to the consultation paper.
In the light of the issues discussed and recommendations made following the consultation, from June 2022, SASC will be considering changes to guidance regarding the assessment of dyslexia. It will carry out an impact analysis on the potential effect of any proposed changes and recommendations, and their potential effect on a range of stakeholders.
SASC Consultation Response July 2022.
The SASC consultation paper has been used as a basis for a SASC response to the HM Government SEND Review Green Paper: right support, right place, right time.
SASC Response to SEND Green Paper July 2022
SASC is indebted to members of a Working Group, established in January 2021, and to respondents to this consultation who offered their time freely and whose contributions and varied perspectives have informed its content. The consultation paper tries to strike a balance between a range of perspectives held by academics and practitioners in this field but it does not represent the views of all members of the Working Group, nor of every participant in the consultation phases.