The Delphi Dyslexia Study

Draft papers from SASC work on definition and diagnostic criteria for the identification of dyslexia

Professor Julia Carroll gave an update to this much anticipated study at the BDA Dyslexia show on 17th March and shared links to the draft papers currently available on the Open Science Framework as open access for anyone to view because this is a key element of good science.

Draft academic papers are often published in advance to garner initial responses and suggested edits from the academic community before finalisation. In the case of the Delphi Dyslexia study, there have been several rounds of survey and consultation, and the Delphi methodology chosen supports openness. 

The final Delphi papers will be presented at the SASC and BDA conferences in May and June respectively.

Various organisations have expressed interested in these draft papers  and are free to access them but SASC emphasises that these are still drafts at this point and that further changes will be made. 

These draft papers are currently and openly available on the Open Science Framework, as is usual good scientific practice:

We emphasise that the papers are currently draft papers. The final versions will be presented at the SASC Conference in May.

Dr Julia Carroll, one of the papers’ authors, has noted in her recent presentation people are free to send her short comments or thoughts on the draft papers:


18 March 2024