SASC Archive Documents

The documents searchable here are retained in the archive and may be downloaded for reference purposes.

SASC Archive Documents

Search results

Report and Financial Statements 2022

PDF / 263.24 KB

The directors present the annual report and the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2022.

Report and Financial Statements 2021

PDF / 126.85 KB

The directors present the annual report and the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2021.

SASC Annual Conference Papers

PDF / 129.85 KB

For recent SASC Annual Conference Papers see the web page: About SASC / Annual Conference. A list of archive conference papers can be downloaded here. 2023

SASC Articles of Association 2014

PDF / 293.09 KB

Written rules about the organisation which are agreed by the directors.

SASC Memorandum of Association 2014

PDF / 178.2 KB

The legal statement defining the rules about SASC as an organisation as defined by the directors.

SASC Working Group Guidelines 2005

PDF / 223.45 KB

A guide and a statement of acceptable standards expected from those carrying out SpLD assessments in Higher Education.

SASC Guidance Documents

SASC and its subcommittees are a collaborative and ‘umbrella’ group of professionals working in a similar field to agree standards of practice. No single organisation or individual dominates. SASC strives to bring about change through consensus. Decisions and guidance go through a consultation process with the organisations involved in SASC and, where possible, with a wider audience of individual assessment practitioners, academics, trainers and teachers/tutors.