Speech & Language Therapy Referral Guidance Update

Referral letter template – indicators of speech, language or communication difficulties

At their most recent meeting, the SASC Board approved a letter template for assessors to use when referring on for Speech & Language Therapy (SLT).

The purpose of the letter is to support referral to Speech and Language Therapy services, where it may be considered appropriate, and detail information collected during the diagnostic assessment process (e.g. through background information, discussions, observations etc). The document contains some guidance notes for making a referral for SLT as well as an adaptable letter template for assessors to use to make a referral where it is thought to be necessary. You can download a copy of the template here and the document will also be available in the downloads section of the SASC website for assessors to access and use as needed - just search 'SLT' in the search box.

We do hope this will be helpful for you in your ongoing assessment practice.

The SASC Committee

February 2025